"I can do all things, through Christ... who strengthens me..." - Philippians 4:13 Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz308) | TikTok NOTE: 1:56 PM (7/25/23): The first 8 seconds of the above video (regarding the words), makes me think of a surgeon… about to perform, a dangerous procedure… ...and seeking reassurance, from his colleague… ...due to the extremely critical condition, of the patient... Alan Silvestri - Good To Go / Contact Soundtrack - YouTube Hyperspace theory ( - 1 of 2 & Other dimensions explained ( 2 of 2 When I read the first quote, on section 1 of 2 (by Michio Kaku)... such seemed commendable, but arguably evoked... of the vibe one has, when going through an 'existential crisis'... NOTE: Arguably, the layout of Michio Kaku's blog... has a format/structure, reminiscent... of the 'text section'... of my Couchsurfing profile (as a 'micro version'): Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing (https://www.couc...