"I can do all things, through Christ... who strengthens me..." - Philippians 4:13
1:56 PM (7/25/23):
The first 8 seconds of the above video (regarding the words), makes me think of a surgeon… about to perform, a dangerous procedure… ...and seeking reassurance, from his colleague… ...due to the extremely critical condition, of the patient...

When I read the first quote, on section 1 of 2 (by Michio Kaku)... such seemed commendable, but arguably evoked... of the vibe one has, when going through an 'existential crisis'... 
Arguably, the layout of Michio Kaku's blog... has a format/structure, reminiscent... of the 'text section'... of my Couchsurfing profile (as a 'micro version'):
Michael is on Couchsurfing! | Couchsurfing (

6:09 PM (7/16/23):
Dr. David Sinclair, suggests eating 3 meals/day (plus snacks)... contributes to the aging process
The 'quarter-life' crisis...

(snapshot of a Google search, of the triple jumper 'Pedro Pablo Pichardo'... as of 6:02 PM, on 7/15/23)
NOTE #1:
(8:30-10:46 & 1:00:40-1:00:41)
Pedro is listed as being 6'1" and 150 pounds/lbs., and this is likely what accounts... for his efficient, triple jumping style... 
NOTE #2:
This also tells me, that given I am 6'4" and presently in the 243-247 lb. range (as of 7/15/23), if I lose 30 pounds... and get to the 213-217 lb. range (while maintaining the energy reserves, I had... when I had been at 268.6 lbs., on 4/12/22)... then I could better relate, to the fluidity... of his movements... ...even though, I have not been in the triple jumping game... for quite some time...
NOTE #3:

(door opener, has his own door opener)


1. DAD'S DEBT ( 




5. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (

Based off the modifications to this blog, on 6/8/23... I concluded around 3:10 PM, on that day... the following hypothesis:

"It is easier for a human, to gain entry to heaven... via natural means... than it is for one, to transcend dimensions... naturally..." - Michael Izuchukwu [see: HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (]

Son of God | Resurrection | 20th Century Fox - YouTube (2:31-3:01)

(former Google search)
[arguably, the 'Second Coming' of Jesus Christ... was when He returned, for 40 days... after Resurrecting, from His Crucifixion (which took 3 days)... ...prior to departing, to heaven]

...arguably, the form that Jesus Christ had... when He had reappeared, after His Crucifixion and Resurrection... had transcended being 3.00-dimensional...

4. how many times is do not be afraid in the bible - Google Search 

>>>There are 365 days in a year, which is interesting: Other Ancient Calendars | Calendars (


1:00 AM (7/18/23):

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined... what God had prepared... for those, who love Him..." - 1 Corinthians 2:9

“Remember… until an hour before the devil fell, God thought him beautiful... in heaven...” - Arthur Miller, The Crucible

Hans Zimmer - The Burning Bush | slow relaxing ambient - YouTube


Contact - YouTube

After post #54, this blog is a continuation... of the 'above one'... Posts 1-30 (absent), are situated on another one of my Blogger blogs (as of 1:10 PM, on 5/20/23... I can't yet pinpoint, which one... that is...)


"You can't want something, but not put in... the work..." - Lebron James

Interesting advice, from a 'car guru'... He states that ages 16-23, are arguably 'the best' in one's life... but skips '22,' for some reason...

"Your job is not who you are; it's just what you are doing... on the way, to 'who' you shall become..." - Oprah Winfrey

"People lose weight, at different rates... based off how much time and effort, they direct... towards 'caloric expenditure'... ...and where they begin, regarding their starting body mass index... in relation, to that... which is 'personally ideal'..."- Michael Izuchukwu (12:46 PM, on 5/27/23)

"The need for minor adjustments, are typically what characterize... weight loss plateaus... ...unless, one is near one's ideal body mass index..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:53 AM, on 5/31/23)

"Footage of Karsten Warholm, finishing a race... and being relieved, as though having beaten a difficult... video game level..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:20 AM, on 6/6/23)

"At 2:16-3:58 of this video, Dr. Rola Rabah... shows a nutritious, shrimp and vegetable dish... that she had, for lunch... Healthy eating, is often a precursor... to one's vitality/energization..." - Michael Izuchukwu (10:19 AM, on 6/10/23)

DAILY BREAD (things of interest, posted by the days):
7:50 AM (6/9/23):
Woman with degree in 'information communication technology,' discusses her background in 'enterprise tech sales'...
Dude regrets having not studied computer science, for what he attests would have been an 'easier life'...

Regarding the first 74 seconds of this video (0:00-1:14), and the way the title is written... it's as though, such is directed... at those, who may have collapsed... when climbing some stairs, and are struggling... to get up...
[in this video, Mike Powell 'got up'... and set the present long jump world record, at 8.95 meters (29'4.25")]

People remember who they, themselves, are... to varying degrees, decade by decade... Perhaps it is the ability to remain true, to a set of core values... that influences the degree... to which one changes, over time's passage...

10:14 AM (6/11/23):
Interesting article... when viewing the slides, there was a 'safari feel'... as though comparing/tallying the respective counts, for millionaires and billionaires... of the featured cities...


5:56 PM (6/11/23):
When I was reading through this article, after reaching bulletpoint #6... I had a thought. Such was that if someone 'from the projects,' attested that he/she had accessed the 'tenth dimension'... such may be challenging, to believe...

1:39 PM (6/11/23):
Regarding slide 43 of 50, 'South Run' sounds like a town... where retired assassins, would live... Slide 14 of 50, features 'Hidden Springs'... which sounds like a place, where clandestine things... occur...

1:26 PM (6/11/23):
(most recent, TikTok upload...)

Niama Allen - Postpartum nurse - Morgan Stanley's Children Hospital of New York

Niama Allen - About Me ( (


(Aisha Bowe seems like a doppelganger, of my cousin - Niama Allen)

5:24 PM (6/13/23):

12:41 PM (6/11/23):
After exiting the shower, about 10 minutes ago... I had a realization... Such was that there may be such a thing, as 'linetime'... aside from spacetime. If this is so, then I postulated that theoretically... both spacetime and linetime, could be perceived... as being denoted/represented by 'certain shapes'... which are atypical, in relation to those... which are standard, dimensional shapes...
NOTE #1:
The notion of linetime and spacetime, may account for the expression: 'Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time'... as well as the apparent correlation, between Matthew 19:24 of the bible, asymptotic aging... and higher dimensions...
[ "It is easier for a camel, to pass through the eye of a needle... than it is, for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24 ]
NOTE #2:
Contact,(b) S. R. Hadden... - YouTube
It may be easier to gauge the contrast between linetime and spacetime (regarding their relationship), via the above video. In such, a 2-D display... is distorted, from the influence/gravitation... of the third dimension (although such is not exactly, 3-dimensional)...

11:36 AM (6/11/23):
Regarding 0:00-19:31 of this video, at some point in such... I felt as though 'Awwlexis' was lecturing a ghetto female, who lived 'in the projects'... as though, attempting... to reassure her....
I wonder how tall this dude is; he makes his dunk, look easy...

10:26 AM (6/11/23):
"Between A. Einstein and O. Klein, who do you think was more attuned... to the nature, of higher dimensions...?" - Michael Izuchukwu (A. Einstein >>> Albert Einstein, & O. Klein >>> Oskar Klein)

Maybe when Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, He had moved in a direction... that is perpendicular, to the 3 spatial dimensions... humans are accustomed, to...
NOTE #1:
This would make sense, if after His Resurrection... Jesus had been somewhere between 3.00 and 4.00 dimensional... given that He had appeared, before some of those... who knew Him...
[this may explain, how Jesus Christ had 'visually vanished'... as though He had been where he was, but potentially somewhere else (perhaps the fourth, spatial dimensional reality)... at the same time...]
“After Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, ‘He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid Him... from their sight’…” – Acts 1:9 
NOTE #2 :
Notice how the cloud 'hid' Jesus from their sight, but there is no mention... of transport (regarding this biblical verse)...
NOTE #3:
The cloud could have been a 'divine stamp,' that God the Father issues... whenever someone is transcending, from one dimension... to a higher one... It has been said, that 'God is in... the rain'...
NOTE #4:
Clouds are made up of water molecules, and on the cross... Jesus Christ had said:
"I thirst..." - John 19:28

10:48 AM (6/11/23):
(bible verses, about Jesus Christ's ascent... into heaven)

7:41 AM (6/11/23):
Interesting video, of Rice University PhD student (in chemical and biomolecular engineering)... Njideka Nnorom, discussing her passion/interest for 'water purification research'... and the psychology, behind her membership... in the Rice graduate community...
If you take a step back from something, you may attain a new perspective... and begin to question the implications, of what taking a step forward... truly means (once a step has been taken, such cannot be undone)...

7:54 AM (6/11/23):

8:05 AM (6/11/23):
Peppered scrambled eggs & a sausage patty... as of 6:23 AM, today - 6/11/23

8:10 AM (6/11/23):
(soothing song)

9:00 PM (6/10/23):
An interesting, nostalgia-based music video... It was a few minutes before composing this entry, that I entertained an idea. Such was that Jesus Christ's statement of Matthew 19:24, in the bible... was a 'memento mori'... which is a 'reminder of death'... ...A good question, is as to what Jesus was truly implying... when He said, 'it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is... for a rich man, to enter the Kingdom... of Heaven'...

(regarding the graph, that shows the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere... as n increases)

This graph may allude to the fact, that God the Father ('heavenly Father'/Alien God) was relating to Jesus Christ (God the Son/Human God) in a unique manner... because Jesus tapped into a frequency, that God the Father... was relating to, during His Crucifixion (and regarding Jesus' life works/achievements/miracles, leading up to such)
In an interesting way, such resembles 'a hill'... alluding to the phrase 'King of the Hill'... Such has parallels, to the 'Garden of Eden'... when enunciated...

When scientists remark about 'hidden dimensions'... perhaps they are referencing those, in which the volume of an n-dimensional hypersphere... is negligible (approaching zero), as 'n' increases...

1:28 PM (6/10/23):

12:28 PM (6/10/23):
Moments ago, I began contemplating the implications... of the phrase 'ALPHABET WORLDS'... Perhaps such alludes to the fact, that based off the alphabet that one's native language, is based off... such refines, how an individual... processes his/her reality..." - Michael Izuchukwu (there are estimates, that on Earth... there are 200-400 alphabets)
Across the world, contrasting cultures... have a mutual understanding, of human values... due to the Holy Spirit (which is a human's link, to God)...

12:33 PM (6/10/23):
An example of alphabet variations, is the fact that there are 26 letters... in the English alphabet... while the Russian alphabet, contains 33 letters... Regarding the shapes of the respective letters, of contrasting alphabets... there is some overlap...

12:39 PM (6/10/23):
Interestingly, Moscow (the capital of Russia)... correlates to the words 'Mockba,' in the English alphabet... ...due to the methodology, called 'transliteration'...
Transliteration is distinct, from translation...

11:06 PM (6/9/23):
When I viewed the above video, I found such 'remarkable'... but in no good way...
The last time I heard anything about this in the news, there was reference of '7' counts... before the update...
See (for context):

6:37 PM (6/9/23): "Around 5 minutes ago, I was thinking about the nature of 'song preference psychology'... and how a person's taste in music (in the context of the playlists, one relates to), is subject to change/variation... over time (every decade/10 years, or so)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
For instance, the songs I was listening to in 2013... I don't really tune into, in 2023 (regarding the type/genre, themes and their potency)... Also, I don't recall those of 2003... as vividly... as those, of 2013...

This update, is truly bewildering...
10:35 AM (6/10/23):
(past notice)

10:53 AM (6/11/23):

11:32 AM (6/8/23):
"Regarding the segment, for the above video... if one thinks of a human being's body as a vessel, such as a sphere... then one can extrapolate, that in spacetime... as one ages and is subject to a changing metabolism, his/her homeostatic ('internal') processes... in tandem with physiological efficiency, account for when one may experience a 'weight loss plateau (flatlining)'... ...assuming, one has attained an ideal physique... based off body mass index, and energy level..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(fitting more, in less space... >>>becoming more compact, it seems)
Regarding the formula for finding the volume of a sphere, in 'any' dimension... ...apparently, the volume of a sphere reaches a maximum... in the fifth dimension (regarding 5 spatial dimensions), before decreasing towards infinity...


At 6:43 PM today (6/7/23), I began contemplating the implications... of a hypothetical book, titled 'The Illusion, of Financial Security... in tandem, with Wellness'... I do believe that there is a relationship, between health... and one's finances... that is often, overlooked...

YouTube snapshot, featuring a hypothetical between Gohan (main photo), and Frieza (sidebar thumbnail)
(FYI: Gohan in super saiyan 2 mode, never fought to my understanding... but such would have been an interesting fight)

There could be such a thing, as 'artistic numbers'... in the context of the aforementioned... ...$169,000 (instead of $170,000) and $3,499 (instead of $3,500)...

(news advertisement snapshot, from 2:58 PM... today - 6/6/23)
NOTE #1:
The displayed 'middle class family (of four),' features a wife... who has the vibe of, 'at some stage in life, one may seek to have a house... as though, such is a ship with many rooms... that can support the fulfillment, of one's endeavors'... 
NOTE #2:
It's important that your house supports you, as opposed to you... supporting your house (in the generic sense)

"Different ethnicities, distribute their fat... differently..." - Dr. Marc Siegel 
Body mass index could be thought of as a standardized measuring, for gauging fitness... ...but such does not effectively factor in, how muscle weighs more... than fat... There are many variables, which account... for one's overall health...

10:15 AM (8/14/23):
(an artistic depiction of 'Skull Kid,' in a pose... that makes it seem, as though... he is 'holding up the moon')

7:00 PM (9/6/23):
1:10 PM (8/14/23):
NOTE #1:
NOTE #2:
2:33 PM (8/14/23):
Interestingly, I have lost 31.6 pounds since 4/12/22 (today, on 8/14/23... I weighed 237.0 pounds, but then... I had weighed 268.6 lbs.)... and these integers/numbers, correspond... to the length of the first video (posted on 11/24/21, at 1:52:07)... of the 'above site'... ...which happens to be 3 minutes & 16 seconds long (before shortening, to 3:15)...

6:12 PM (8/12/23):
Any interest I have, in learning other languages... is based off the belief, that doing such... is a pathway, to understanding 'different spheres, of human consciousness'... ...around the world (which consists, of 195 countries)... The following is a video, by Denis Vashurin (who arguably, is 'asymptotically aging') 
ХУНЬЧУНЬ.УЛИЧНАЯ ЕДА. ПАРК. ТАНЦЫ НА ПЛОЩАДИ. 2 ЧАСТЬ. - YouTube (I don't understand the verbal language, but I relate better... to his body language)

6:21 PM (8/12/23):
"Words are the means, to meaning..." - V (there are many words, and words vary... based off the spoken language, of interest)

6:28 PM (8/12/23):
...because it is the meaning behind words, that gives them value... it's interesting, how information/meaning... can be lost, via translation... This just goes to show, that the act of communicating and processing, could be likened... to 'the efficiency, of a machine'...

5:48 AM (8/10/23):
"You learn something new, everyday..." - Wise Man
(I am wondering, if there is a way... of doing the equivalent, in the reverse 'dimensional direction' - the 4th spatial dimension)
NOTE #2:
"As above, so below... ...or more fittingly, as below... so above (in the dimensional sense)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #3:

3:38 AM (8/10/23):

“A human body is traveling, through spacetime… even when at rest… Typically, one uses his/her two legs… to navigate his/her environment (to make use of the third spatial dimension)… Nevertheless, when at rest (sleeping, for instance)… one is traveling, through spacetime… in the context, of ‘time-based layers’…” – Michael Izuchukwu

LUCY [Time Travel Scene] - YouTube (2014 movie - imagine time passing, in the opposite direction)

(the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, is a more intricate (and relative) perspective... ...regarding the aforementioned, but pertaining to how the momentum and velocity of a particle... cannot be simultaneously known...)

How Bad Do You Want It? (Success) HD - YouTube (3:33-4:55)


Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz309) | TikTok (Mount Trashmore Park - Virginia Beach, VA - summer 2019 - I was given a reading of '199' pounds, when I had checked into the Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center... during the time period, when I had been 'experiencing vagrancy'... which was around, when this footage... was filmed...)

NOTE #1:

Fourteen MIT School of Science professors receive tenure for 2022 and 2023 | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

NOTE #2:

I have wondered why MIT's address is '77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, USA'... It so happens that around the world, there are 77 space agencies... Is this coincidental, or intended...?

NOTE #3:

number of space agencies in the world - Google Search


12:03 AM (8/10/23):
"Within the past hour, I had a revelation... that payoff, in matters (of this world, or of the spirit)... is often time-sensitive, and dependent on the amount of effort... invested, into 'a particular process'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Sometimes, one has to assess one's return... on investment (R.O.I.), in the context of 'involved risks'... and time constraints... ...because R.O.I. may decrease, over time... and one's time, may be limited...
NOTE #2:
R.O.I. often accounts, for whether the 'perceived value' of something, changes... over time... Certain things appreciate (over such), while others... do not...
(exactly '1' year ago, was my initial proclamation... of being 'the King of Darkness')
12:14 AM (8/10/23):
"Imagine the difficulty, of inventing the first plane (a feat, that the Wright Brothers achieved... in 1903)... ...and then imagine how much more complex, modern planes are... in the year 2023 (120 years later)... Thus, when one thinks a task is difficult... one should keep in mind, that there are others... which are exceedingly, more complex..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Things should not be taken for granted, due to the sacrifices... which are often affiliated, with bringing them... about...
12:29 AM (8/10/23):

1:01 AM (8/10/23):


3:32 PM (8/8/23):
"Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve..." - John Archibald Wheeler
Based off this quote, one can infer... that certain forms of matter, experience spacetime... differently... This notion, assuredly has applications... regarding 'asymptotic aging'...
3:46 PM (8/8/23):
[it is stated here (a video from '2' years ago), that Denis Vashurin is in a relationship (couple)... and seeks to work, at an energy company...]

What was Mr. Fischer, fishing for...?
Regarding asymptotic aging, the perception of time's passage... could be correlated, to the mind...

7:28 AM (8/9/23):
"Due to the nature of a phone call, with my mom... yesterday... regarding me correcting her, that there is a difference between placing a 'cyberhacked phone' in a trash can (of a train's restroom)... and 'throwing such, out a window'... I have concluded that regarding my 2 parents... my dad is deceased (and was emotionally and psychologically abusive, while being conceited... with delusions of grandeur), while my mom is hypocritical, inconsiderate and emotionally apathetic... For these reasons, it's safe to say that both of my parents 'are' not reliable... for advice, pertaining to issues of self-advancement (home ownership, marriage & child rearing and self-actualization)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
My dad said he was the CEO of '2' companies, and yet he applied for food stamps... on 2/8/18... ...2 months & 14 days, before initiating a phone call with me... on 4/22/18 (my parents divorced in 2011, and I had not been in communication with him... for that interval, of time)...
voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit (see posts 37-42)

8:22 AM (8/9/23):
13-19-20-32-33 14
Winning lottery tickey in Florida, was 1.58 billion dollars... Did Christian Taylor, win?

10:28 PM (8/9/23):
(video length of 1:58, before shortening... to 1:57)
The tune I was humming in the above video (0:00-0:08), was the following:

10:39 PM (8/9/23):
"I just realized that there are some things in my past, which were misfortunes... but which I now perceive, as 'disguised blessings'... ...only because of my interpretation of them, which permitted them... to be catalysts... for reaching a 'higher consciousness level (regarding the strengthening of my resolve, to attain a degree of self-sufficiency, that makes such 'misfortunes'... seem negated, or negligible)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:10 AM (8/9/23);

"When I think about the content of this video, my conclusion is that in the context of my upbringing/childhood... my dad, could not relate... to the norms, of the collegiate lifestyle (his nature, was opposed... to the social atmosphere, of such)... There are 12 residential houses at Harvard University... ...and this reminds me, of the 11 residential 'colleges'/houses... at Rice University..." - Michael Izuchukwu
There's a reason why during the college researching process, I sought to 'get away' from home... I grew up in Chesterfield, MO (3rd grade to 12th grade), and Houston, TX (where Rice is)... was many miles away... My initial ambition, was to work at NASA... and dominance, in the Olympics (for the triple jump)
8:52 PM (8/7/23):

5:53 PM (8/7/23):
What the dude says here, is deep... ...makes you think, about how one's relationship... to the relationship, of time and money... ...changes, as one gets older...

6:20 PM (8/7/23):
Life Is A Scam. - YouTube (8:42-9:18 & 11:43-12:28)
Interesting analysis, on 'the nature'... of life...
(one is born, wakes up... and asks 'who am I... where am I...')

As 3:04 PM on 8/7/23, I started thinking about the phrase 'vine and branches'... in the context, of my weight loss... since 4/12/22 (when I had weighed 268.6 lbs., as opposed to 238.0 lbs. I concluded that losing another 30 pounds, via a means that permits the maintenance of the energy reserves that I had when at 268.6 lbs (which are equitable, to what they currently are)... would require thinking, in terms of the above diagram... The nature of weight loss becomes increasingly more complex/intricate, as such progresses... due to physiological constraints (and one's actions in spacetime, in the context of the spirit, mind and body... ...along with one's age)...


10:56 PM (8/9/23):
At a behavioral health center (in Newark, NJ), for an intake... at 10:23 AM, on 8/9/23... My weight was 239.0 lbs./pounds...
NOTE #1:
My intake (with a 'medical assistant') was on the basis, of happenings... since January 2011... ...On a different note, regarding my annual checkup... with my primary care physician (the last being in January 2023)... to my recollection, I was about 263 pounds... according to the mechanical scale, 'he' had utilized (then)... So, I have lost a minimum of 24 pounds... since 'that reading,' assuming... such was a bit lower, than it may have actually been...
NOTE #2: I had been advised by my primary care physician (in January 2023), to lose weight... in the context of body mass index... ...although, he did acknowledge... that muscle weighs more, than fat...

11:30 AM (8/7/23):
"My weight, as of 11:14 AM today (238.0 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
I had shifted the location, where the measurement was taken... ...merely for the sake, of authenticating... that the terrain... 'is flat'...

10:39 AM (8/7/23):
6 God - YouTube
"Moments ago, I had a daydream that I was in a Walmart... and this music, was playing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:14 PM (8/6/23):
Dude living the life, and trying to make it big (as he goes about, his regimen)
The Root Cause of and Solution to Corruption - YouTube
(discussion by a former Rice University student - Bianca Mungalsingh, from '9' years ago)

8:38 PM (8/6/23):
When I watched 0:00-3:04, of this video... the Indian female speaking, gave the impression... that a household is like a 'command center'... and when a couple is living in such, it's like a machine... that they're working with... ...where keeping tally of the input and output, is essential...

5:08 PM (8/6/23):
(10/7/06 - Homecoming festivities, in Chesterfield, MO mall area - age 16)
moment-based, spacetime statue #1

"For after all, what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... a central point between nothing and all, and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn, and the infinite... in which he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal

(photo of me, from 10:03 AM... on 10/30/18... in Monte Irvin Orange Park, of East Orange, NJ - age 28)
moment-based, spacetime statue #2

[Super Saiyan 3 Goku, juxtaposed with 3 versions of Majin Buu (a nemesis)]

11:51 PM (8/5/23): 
A few minutes ago, the idea occurred to me... that when I had the 'above photo' snapped of me (in Monte Irvin Orange Park), in the context of the events that had led up to that moment (in 2018)... and those, which followed... ...such serves as a 'moment-based, spacetime statue'... The context of this, is as though such is some reminder... of what I looked like, at a certain threshold... in spacetime... and that if I adhere to my present trajectory, the odds are that I will not look older than I did... when that photo was snapped (in other words, my biological age is bounded by the limit... of 28 years... while my chronological age/time on Earth, progresses)
NOTE #1:
If this holds true, then that confirms what I had previously stated... about the 'checkpoints of spacetime'... for those, who seek to 'asymptotically age'...
NOTE #2:
Goku is posed, as though saying 'past this point, go no further'... ...'God' is saying 'pay attention, to the number 3'...
NOTE #3:
12:56 PM (8/6/23):
I suppose that anyone is free, to make an attempt... to have some form of visual documentation of themselves (photo or video), made... if he/she seeks, to make an attempt... at this ongoing process, that I have been experiencing... Regarding asymptotic aging, the degree of difficulty... for engaging in such... ...tends to increase, as one gets older (in the context, of more checkpoints... not having been capitalized on)

1:05 AM (8/6/23):
1:07 AM (8/6/23):

2:14 PM (8/5/23):
"Moments ago, I was contemplating... what body mass index, one would have to have (in the context of the ratio, of one's muscles to fat... the variable, of one's bone density... and the fortification, of one's spirit, mind and body)... in order to make a natural transition, from the material (of the world)... to the immaterial (of the spirit)... the context, of being 51 % immaterial... and 49% material..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Contact - YouTube (0:00-0:05)
This idea came to me, when I was analyzing my physiological compositon... to infer, where gains... could be made (in the context, of the aforementioned)...

11:01 AM (8/2/23):
"My weight, as of 10:42 AM today (239.6 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
It seems that I have managed to stabilize myself, at the 237-241 pound weight range... since 7/24/23 (over the past 9 days)... Noteworthy, in the context of having once been 268.6 lbs., on 4/12/22 (and the susceptibility, of people who lose weight... to regain such, if done incorrectly)
NOTE #2:
My energy reserves at 239.6 lbs, are equitable... to when I was 268.6 lbs..., such maintenance is ideal... moving forward...

11:54 AM (7/28/23):
"My weight, as of 11:22 AM today (241.2 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Physiologically, I felt as though I have once again reached a 'summit'... and have now entered a fine-tuning phase (denoted by resumed weight loss)... Oscillations in weight, are attributable... to a number of variables...
NOTE #2:
I ate a McChicken a bit after purchasing such, at 8:09 PM... on 7/27/23... at McDonald's...

2:12 PM (7/24/23):
(readings 39 & 40, here)

10:53 AM (7/23/23):
"Are we a reflection of our places in life, or are they... reflections, of us...?" - Jeff Goldblum

7:52 AM (7/23/23):
“At 2:07 PM on 7/22/23, the thought occurred to me… that if 30 years elapse, and it seems as though my biological age… is no more than 2 years older, than such is now… …then it terms of reproductivity, that is arguably the equivalent… of having raised a child (regarding the spirit that is required, to have such results… in the context, of ‘asymptotic aging’)… Given that I am presently 33 years old (in terms of chronological age/time spent on Earth), this hypothesis implies that I would have to look no older than 35 years old (chronologically)… at age 63… order, for such… to be valid… Nevertheless, my present biological age… is arguably equivalent, to that… of a 23-year-old…” – Michael Izuchukwu

Passionfruit - YouTube

"For the wages of sin, is death..." - Romans 6:23 

(in the context of this biblical passage, if one's actions are aligned with the phrase 'more life'... ...then one may be walking in the footsteps, of Enoch... ...who lived to the age of 365, before being whisked away... to heaven...)

9:26 AM (7/23/23):
G-Eazy ft. Halsey - Holding On (Official Music Video) - YouTube (0:00-1:53)

"When I listen to this song, in the context of the video title... ...and in the context of how Jesus Christ, ascended to heaven... when He had been age 33 (via unnatural means)... I concluded that given that the unnatural/supernatural, takes precedence... to the natural... ...that if one seeks to get to heaven, via 'natural means'... ...then there is something about being age 33, that one must 'hold on to'... ...assuming, one 'is on' a spiritually ordained path... and must deter, straying from such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

NOTE #1:

It has been said 'shoot for the moon, and you will land amongst the stars (even though the stars, are much further... away)'... The implication here, is one may get further along... if one aims high, rather than low... regarding a trajectory (parabolic, for instance)... One can also extrapolate, that if one catches a train.... that is moving faster... ...than a different one, one can cover more distance... when seeking, to get somewhere... within a window of time...

NOTE #2:

1:33 PM (7/23/23):

I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube

[I surmise that at Denis Vashurin's present trajectory, when he is 65 years old (at the approximate time, that I will be 63 years old)... that his biological age, will be that... of a 16-year-old)... ...assuming, he continues... to 'asymptotically age']

NOTE #3:
Regarding what I wrote above, via the entry at 7:52 AM... on 7/23/23... the context of such, and me asymptotically aging... if such works out, the oldest I could look... at age 63... is 35 years old ('as though, actually that 'chronological age')... but my hypothesis, is that I might seem like a 27-year-old... ...if while being 33, I may seem like a 23-year-old (in terms of 'perceived chronological age')... to 'outside observers'...

NOTE #4:
When I state 'perceived chronological age,' this is in the context... ...of such being aligned, with biological age (for efficacy, given that aging is attributable to one's homeostatic/internal processes)... 

10:26 AM (7/23/23):

Batman Begins - The Will to Act (Training Scene HD) - YouTube

1:00 PM (7/23/23):
lion king - remember who you are (HD) - YouTube

I suppose that as people get older, there is a tendency... for them to be less attuned... to who they once were... By not 'holding on' to who one once was, one may get older... In theory, people age... because they cave in to the belief... that they are different with each successive day, than the prior one (from strictly the spirit-based standpoint)...

(visualization, of the governing dynamics... of the spirit, mind and body)

(Sunday sermon)

1:48 PM (7/23/23):
Noah Lyles breaks a Usain Bolt record, posts world lead 200m time in London | NBC Sports - YouTube

"Intriguing 200-meter performance, by Noah Lyles... His winning time was 19.47 seconds, while Letsile Tebogo finished second... with a time of 19.50 seconds..." - Michael Izuchukwu

At 3:17-3:22, Noah Lyles uses the Kamehameha technique of Goku... from the 'Dragonball Z' TV series...

(artistic depiction of Jesus Christ, departing to heaven)

NOTE #1:
In the above video segment (regarding the last 11 seconds - 1:45-1:56), the vibe is that someone did a quick pass to another person... on the NBA court, and then went up... for a Lebron James-style dunk (such evokes of the words 'muscle man')...
NOTE #2:
Jesus Christ's ascent to heaven, was via 'unnatural means'... because His transport of a '100-pound' cross, prior to dangling from one... for 6 hours... was an 'unintended catalyst'... ...a component, of the process... denoted as Jesus' Resurrection (took 3 days), and subsequent departure (took 40 days)...

3:08 PM (7/23/23):
When Jesus Christ Resurrected, I surmise that He felt as though He was going through a particle accelerator, and angels were intervening... ...and then when He departed to heaven, Jesus probably heard music playing... in His ears... ...and due to the tune that He heard, since then... Jesus has not returned (having assumed the function of God, which He presently performs... in the spirit realm)...
This make sense, given that at birth... Angel Gabriel intervened, on behalf of Jesus Christ...

4:06 PM (7/23/23):
"...sometimes, when 'unanticipated things' happen to you (unforeseen trials and tribulations) and they are thoroughly (and adequately) documented... one's testimony, on behalf of... or of God, gains credence (is strengthened)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

" me, something about 'this video'... is of the spirit... ...given that the dude doing the 'bass cover'... is wearing a mask. What I could infer from this, is the following statement: 'it doesn't matter what my face looks like; it's about the music... Whether or not I am wearing the mask, has no impact... on my ability, to play..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(Something deep about this observation, aside from the sound's 'tone'...)

10:09 PM (7/23/23):
"It was just moments ago, that I had a revelation... about the importance, of 'leveling up' one's spirit... ...should one seek, to walk on a spiritually ordained path... in life... Music is a reflection of the spirit, and one may find... that the songs one listens to in a particular year, may be collectively... more inspirational or uplifting, than a complementary playlist... that one may have been accustomed to listening to, from years before... Every 5 years or so, one's taste in music... is subject, to refinement/modification..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Music is linked to imagination, and can be transportive (influencing how one feels, about his/her status quo and/or outlook... on life)... Such is just one of the aspects, that constitute... 'spiritually leveling up'...
NOTE #2:
Regarding the prior note, the songs in one's mind... could be so influential, as to making one perceive a room one is in... as 'a single cube,' as opposed to 'stacked squares'... Perspective can be linked, to emotion (which is what music, can affect)...
NOTE #3:
I personally know, that the songs I was listening to... in 2017-2019... are relatable, to what I have been listening to, from 2021-2023... Playlist themes, have become increasingly more inspiring... and asbtract (when comparing the former, with the latter)...
NOTE #4:
10:50 PM (7/23/23):
One's taste in music, in the context of the aforementioned... and over time's passage... is cumulative, in terms of 'building upon' one's familiarity... with prior songs, that one has preference for... Such is the nature of 'song preference evolution'...
NOTE #5:
11:02 PM (7/23/23):
A playlist of songs, that one identifies with... correspond to that individual, at a certain point... in spacetime... the context of their effect, on one's spirit, mind and body (which are subject to variation/change, over time)... Hence, they are transportive... should one reflect on a playlist, that one formerly made... and happens to be very familiar with...

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed; soothes the mind, and gives it rest... ...heals the heart and makes it whole; flows from heaven, to the soul..." - Unknown Author

NOTE #6:
11:32 PM (7/23/23):
As of 2018, one could argue... that I became committed, to gauging my music preference/taste change... every 5 years... ...via playlist comparisons (regarding those, that are most favored)

8:56 AM (7/22/23):
Incredible performance by Faith Kipyegon, who broke the mile world record... for women... ...lowering such, by nearly 5 seconds... with a time of 4:07.64
(Faith Kipyegon was 34.51 seconds, off the men's world record in the mile... ...held by Hicham El Guerrouj - of 3:43:13)
(Faith Kipyegon is listed at 93 pounds)

(Hicham El Guerrouj is listed at 128 pounds)

Their respective weights, in relation to their respective world record times... ...attests to the degree of physiological efficiency, required... for such performances... Hicham being 5'9" and 128 pounds, is listed as 7 inches taller and 35 pounds heavier... than his female counterpart, as 'mile world record holder'...

11:41 AM (7/21/23):
"My weight, as of 11:17 AM today (240.0 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This implies that I lost 4 pounds, over the past 4 days (0.1 pounds, each day)... In the context of having lost nearly 5 pounds (4.8 pounds, to be precise) from 7/11/23 to 7/17/23 (245.2 lbs to 240.4 lbs, respectively)... and then losing 0.4 pounds, over the following 4 days... is arguable, that my weight loss... in this part of the weight range... has 'stabilized,' as I move forward... 
3:21 PM (7/21/23):
5:18 PM (7/21/23): 
"If you want to asymptotically age, a notion of mine... from moments ago, is that a prerequisite of this... is 'momentum maintenance'... Such is critical, regarding one's trajectory... in life... and lost momentum, can prove difficult... to regain... unless one takes advantage, of 'certain waves'... when those opportunities, present themselves..." - Michael Izuchukwu

>>>>>>>NEW PHASE BEGUN, on 7/18/23<<<<<<<

7:51 PM (7/17/23):
From 7/22/21 to 1/7/23, I snapped 137 photos (featuring myself)... Arguably, the collection of them (along with filmed videos)... in the context of my weight loss, since 4/12/22... serve as 'guard-like statues'... that remind me of the form I once had, and serve as deterrence... from regressing, back to such (as though, blocking a path)...
NOTE #1:
I suppose that one could reach a degree of 'physiological efficiency,' where a snapped photo of oneself... would have a 'magnified, weight gain deterrence effect'... than is standard (in the context of the photoelectric effect, and spacetime)...
NOTE #2:
I would add what I call 'shapetime,' to the above... Such refers to 2-dimensional time (the time of 2-D beings)...

(interesting YouTube snapshot, from 7:23 PM... on 7/17/23)

"After watching this video, in terms of the atomic composition and vibrations of a human... I started thinking that if someone was immersed in water, and was moving through such (while 'spiritually advancing')... then perhaps something like the 'whisking away of Enoch (from the bible),' in terms of effects... would result, if 400 years elapsed (in terms of that, which is preliminary)...
This hypothesis, is in tandem... with the presumption, that one has been doing that which is necessary... to 'asymptotically age,' during that time interval..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
NOTE #2:
See quote #5, for John 19:28... of the bible...
Parallel to Moses, and the parting... of the Red Sea:
(the first 14 seconds of this video, could be likened to God the Father... walking around heaven, and then stumbling upon Lucifer... and asking 'where were you'?)
NOTE #3:
Maybe there was a party, and Lucifer ('one of the fallen angels')... was absent... God the Father, went looking... for him...

God: Where is Lucifer?
Angel: 'Sire,' I do not know...

NOTE #4:
This theory is logical, given that God the Father... was relating to Moses, for some reason... and intervened, on his behalf (along with that, of others)...
NOTE #5:
There had been slavery in Egypt, for thousands of years... but the 10 plagues and the liberation of the Hebrews (exodus), assuredly was 'divine intervention'...

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them..." - Genesis 1:27

(in the context of the above question, perhaps God the Father... sat down... subsequently, to reflect... and said to himself 'the moment I have to question, my creation... ...necessitates, that I take action...')
1:53 PM (7/19/23): 
"The Bible tells us that the angels were created for one reason: to do God’s will."
[something about this, may shed light... on the difficulty, of a human... transitioning from human to angel, even though it is arguable... that a demigod (Jesus Christ, for instance), transitioning from demigod to God... is exceedingly, more challenging]
NOTE #6: 
I suppose humans were created to do God's will, but the expectation of them... adhering to such, is not as great... as such is, for angels (in the eyes, of God the Father)...

HUMAN TO ANGEL CANDIDATES (that I know of, in the context... of the bible):
1. Moses
2. Enoch
3. Elijah
4. Noah

1. Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth)
Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene, via the 'Immaculate Conception'... and had no biological father, although He had a guardian father... ...named Saint Joseph

(perhaps if one is appointed to be an angel, having formerly been a human... has 'certain commitments,' in heaven... in the context, of heaven being a place... that requires security... ...and the fact, that there are things which are more unknown... than known... ...which must always be kept, 'in check')

12:16 PM (7/19/23):
After reading the text sandwiched between the first 2 photos, of this article... my interest, was locked (as opposed to caught)...
12:35 PM (7/19/23):
(it's been said 'never say never'...)

4:37 PM (7/17/23):
"Interesting video, of track and field star... Sydney McLaughlin... answering 4 bible trivia questions... The last one (#4) was an intriguing question, and thought process...
4:39 PM (7/17/23):
At 0:15-0:28 of this video, my first thoughts to myself... were 'holy shit'... and then at 0:56-1:17, my reaction was 'that's deep, but in no good way'... 
I will definitely be seeing this movie, when such is released in theatres... on 9/29/23... Such seems like a problem humans could deal with, in no less than 300 years...
6:01 PM (7/17/23):
"In retrospect, I just imagined a person saying 'we lost L.A.'... in the 'above movie,' given that such is where many actors and famous people... live. Subsequently, my interpretation is that the revolting robots... were trying to 'psychologically cripple' human beings (mental harm), before commencing their weapon-based attacks (physical harm)...
The attack on Los Angeles, was weapon-based... but likely, did equitable... psychological harm...

4:06 PM (7/17/23):
[3 hotdogs & 2 cups of refrigerated tea (served for dinner, at my dominion), as of 3:56 PM... on 7/17/23]
After snapping this photo, the idea occurred to me (about 4 minutes later)... that the components of something, are not always a subset... of that, which they constitute (make up)... That which is on the surface, is not always of greater value... than that, which is below (or on the interior)... A series of checkpoints, can tell where one has been... but that does not imply, their  significance... is grander, than the destination...

1:52 PM (7/17/23):
"My weight, as of 1:26 PM today (240.4 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Apparently, my reduced consumption... of 'vanilla, sandwich cookies'... over the past '6' days (since 7/11/23)... is to account, for the weight loss (along with 'power walking')... Arguably, my energy reserves... are equitable, to when I had been at 268.6 lbs. ... on 4/12/22)...
NOTE #2:
Since 4/12/22 (461 days ago), I have lost a total of 28.2 pounds... That averages to the weight loss of 1 pound, every 16.347 days...
NOTE #3:
Interesting interview, of a rising star in track and field... of Australia... He looks like a doppelganger, of one of my former track teammates... from Lafayette High School - John Neumann (from his high school days - where he had wavy hair, and would occasionally run around the track - shirtless, when doing a 400-meter sprint... for conditioning, or workout closure... regarding track and field, and cross country)...
NOTE #4:
The world record in the 1500m event (slightly shorter, than a mile... which consists of 1,600 meters)... is 3:26:00. Such was set in Rome... in 1998, by Hicham El Gerrouj... ...the year that he turned 24 years old...

Photo of my perspiring arm, after ingesting 3 sausage links, corn, rice and peppers... as of 4:14 PM, on 7/13/23
This observation, may be a reflection... of 'certain, homeostatic processes'... ...regarding the efficiency, of my body's 'air conditioning mechanism'... The food was of a hot temperature...

1:23 PM (7/11/23):
"My weight, as of 11:15 AM today (245.2 pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Apparently, my consumption of 'vanilla, sandwich cookies'... over the past '5' days... is to account, for the weight gain... since 7/7/23...
Furthermore, removing this item from my dietary intake... likely will have health benefits, due to the process of glycation ('homeostatic cooking')...

(a photo of an empty pack, of the 'culprit cookies'... as of 1:06 PM, on 7/11/23)
Glucose spikes, likely are a consequence... of ingesting, this snack...

11:56 AM (7/7/23):
"My weight, as of 11:23 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
I have been eating quite a bit of 'vanilla, sandwich cookies'... as of late... so for continued loss, I probably ned to ween myself... off them... Since 12:23 PM on 5/1/23 [see post #23, here - DIETARY INTAKE, AND CALORIC EXPENDITURE (], my weight (via digital scale readings) has been in the 243-247 pound range... This is a significant contrast, with my weight being in the range of 266.6 pounds to 266.0 pounds... from 1:26 PM, on 3/8/22... to 11:42 AM, on 1/17/23 (post #1 to #13)
2 months of consistency (thus far) at a lower weight level, compared to 10 months of consistency... at a higher weight level...
...regarding lower limits, there is a 23-pound differentiation... between 243 & 266; if you lift a 23-pound dumbbell weight, such can illustrate the difference... in how one may feel, regarding the respective readings (assuming, one's energy level... is equitable, having been 'carried over'... in the context, of the gravity of one's relations... and commitments... having an effect, on readings...)
NOTE #2:
A google search snapshot, of Jonathan Edwards (the present triple jump world record holder)... as of 11:59 AM, today (7/7/23)... His weight is listed as 157 pounds, although my recollection was that such had been listed as 154 pounds (from a search, years ago)...
[I surmise that the listed weight, was regarding Jonathan's competition weight... when he broke the triple jump world record, with a distance of 18.29 meters (60'0.25")... at age 29...]
NOTE #3:
Muscle weighs more than fat, and body mass index... is based off height and weight, but does not necessarily factor in... the former...

3:34 PM (7/2/23):
"My weight, as of 3:17 PM... today (7/2/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 242 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
NOTE #1:
After isolating the variables, I concluded that adhering to a diet... denoted by 'reduced, sugar intake'... ...likely is the prerequisite, for reaching a new level... of 'physiological efficiency'... 
NOTE #2:
Enhancing my 'physiological efficiency,' is an interest of mine... in the context, of asymptotic aging... and the interplay between the spirit, mind and body... I believe this is an aspect, of 'defying spacetime'... I also believe, that Matthew 19:24... of the bible... ...relates, to this line of thinking...

NOTE #1:
The first 2 minutes & 8 seconds, of this song... were quite captivating... Personally, I believe that the doors for asymptotic aging... tend to open, around age 28... in terms of standard deviation... regarding those, who have invested in the prerequisites, for such to happen...
(one could argue, that the earlier one figures such out... the better at such, one will be)
NOTE #2:
Over the course of 10 years, going from age 28, to 29, to 30, to 30.5, to 30.8, to 31... to 31, to 31, to 31, to 31... is more logical (and practical), than going from age 75 to 70 to 65 to 60 to 55 to 45 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 25... Genuine age reversal, is arguably more challenging... than asymptotic aging... ...regarding the required processes...

11:42 AM (6/26/23):
"My weight, as of 11:16 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
I personally believe, that 'heavily hydrating' with carbohydrate-based beverages (such as lemonade and juice)... is what presently accounts, for my 'weight loss stagnation'... To begin relating, to the form I once had (but arguably, a more advanced variation)... I will likely have to refrain, from ingesting these drinks... Excess carbohydrate consumption, has been known to cause 'water retention'...
NOTE #2:
Carbohydrates (carbs) and sugar, often go 'hand-in-hand'...

After browsing some real estate and tourism videos, in the recent past... I was just advertised, this one... 0:00-4:49, had the vibe... of someone with the mentality, of a 'role playing video game'...
...there are some places of the world, that are so foreign to oneself... ...that if one were to awaken, there (as though, via 'materialization')... then one may have difficulty, returning to one's home country (assuming one did not understand, the native language)...

12:55 PM (6/26/23):
Interesting article; slides 2 & 3... snagged my interest...

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24
Due to patriarchy, man in this context... refers to 'men and women'...

1:08 PM (6/26/23):
In slide 5 of this slide show, Mackenzie Scott has the vibe of 'can you believe how much shrimp and salmon, they were serving at that buffet... the other night'...

1:04 PM (6/20/23):
"My weight, as of 12:50 PM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Given that I am now 243.4 lbs. (regarding the 'digital scale'), I have lost 25 pounds/lbs., since 4/12/22 (when I had been 268.6 lbs.) the context, of the digital scale readings (which arguably, are more standardized... than those, for the mechanical scale)... This means, that it took 1 year, 2 months & 8 days (62 weeks, or 434 days)... to lose 25 lbs. ...regarding the 'digital scale'...
[perhaps the integers '4-3-4' serve some divine significance, as though a potential indication... that the weight range, that may be my upper limit (moving forward)... is 243 to 247 lbs, in the context of the readings... since 5/1/23 (when I had reached 247.6 lbs)]

[in contrast, the mechanical scale... appeared to show, that my weight was 239 lbs. (reading from 12:54 PM, today - 6/20/23) ...alluding to the fact, that such tends to give readings that are about '3' pounds less, than the digital scale]

NOTE #2:
I will say that if I go back in my mind, to when I was 268.6 lbs... and attempt to recollect my memory, of my 'physiological efficiency'... at that time, compared to now... ...what is assured, is that such has improved... and that my vitality/baseline energy level, has increased...
1:35 PM (6/20/23):
NOTE #3:
...for instance, if 'in theory' I weighed 2 lbs. (and substantiated this, with a photo or video selfie)... I likely, would be unable to type this message (and would not fit into any, of my clothes)... It can be inferred, that at some point... a human being reaches a respective threshold, if such an individual... has experienced an amount of weight loss, over an interval... of time (and assuming, there has been no loss... in his/her baseline energy level)...

...gravity, mass, humans, ghosts and ghost-humans...

NOTE #4:
Given that in the 5th spatial dimension, 'the volume' of a n-dimensional hypersphere... reaches a maximum... and then decreases, for each subsequent... higher, spatial dimension... I suppose there is a higher, spatial dimension... where my present weight of 243.4 lbs. ... would have the equivalency (via a 'conversion factor') to 2 lbs... 

3:54 PM (6/15/23):
"My weight, as of 3:43 PM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Given that I am now 245.2 lbs. (regarding the 'digital scale'), there is credence to believe... I will be successful, at 'keeping off' the weight I have lost... since 4/12/22 (when I had been 268.6 lbs.)... ...although, further progress... 'is pending'...

5:37 PM (6/15/23):
"Each day, a human awakens anew... a bit different, than the prior one... as though, one emerges from his/her slumber... having shed who they were, the day before... If one maintains his/her energy level and degree of mobility, this attests to having adapted to a more 'efficient form'... ...which is ideal, for one's vector (magnitude and direction) in life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:00 AM (6/12/23):
"My weight, as of 9:33 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Notable increase, in my daily... caloric expenditure, likely is required... for leaving the plateau, regarding weight loss... My dietary intake, has been relatively consistent...
Fitness after Korean and Thai food - YouTube (interesting video, featuring a female... expressing the significance, of exercise... after food indulgence)

11:23 AM (6/1/23):
"My weight, as of 10:39 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
I have concluded that the accuracy of the 'mechanical scale,' is 'somewhat arbitrary (the readings of the mechanical scale, tend to be 3 to 7 pounds less... than the digital one)'... ...given that is seemingly subject, to 'small/minute' fluctuations... The last time I did a digital scale reading, was at 12:16 PM... on 5/11/23... Given that this reading was 246.6 lbs., such implies that since then (3 weeks ago) my 'weight loss consistency'... equates to a deficit, of 1.2 pounds... 
NOTE #2:
When I stand straight/erect, and snap a photo of the scale below... my weight tends to be within accuracy of 1-3 pounds ('less,' than the digital scale)... but if I crouch over to get a closer look, that is when the mechanical readings... are subject, to greater inaccuracy...
NOTE #3:
Around 1:58 PM, today (6/1/23)... I began thinking, about the nature of 'body mass index'... in relation, to physical fitness... If one has a lot of muscles, losing an amount of weight... while maintaining the strength one had, at the 'starting weight'... could prove to be challenging... ...given that muscle weighs more, than fat...

8:26 AM (5/27/23):
"My weight, as of 8:11 AM... today (5/27/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 239 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
NOTE #1:
Since 4/12/22, I have lost 29 pounds... ...and interestingly, over the past 3 days, I apparently lost 5 lbs. ...I did do a lot of walking, but I don't believe there was any noticeable change... in my diet...
NOTE #2:
12:33 PM (5/27/23):
I have found (from personal experience), that as one's weight declines... one must have upkeep of certain variables, for energy level maintenance... There tends to be an inverse relationship, between weight decline... and a person's vibrancy/vitality... once a threshold, has been reached... That threshold, varies... for each individual, based off variables... such as height, age, 'degree of sedentariness'... and metabolism...

7:40 AM (5/24/23):
"My weight, as of 7:19 AM... today (5/24/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 244 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
(399 days/57 weeks ago)



12:50 PM (5/27/23):

New York City outlaws discrimination on the basis of weight, height (

Interesting article, regarding a new NYC law... that places emphasis, on impartiality... ...regarding 'physiological perception'... of job applicants, when being interviewed/screened... by human resources...

NOTE #1: 
My immediate impression, is that 'mordbidly obese' individuals... were being targeted...

NOTE #2:

If one's weight (as described above) is an impediment, that undermines his/her 'awareness level (energy and focus)'... in the workforce, then that could be considered a viable factor, for ascertaining... quality, of performance... To say otherwise, could be interpreted... as encouraging, that... which is not effective...

NOTE #3:

9:59 AM (5/28/23):

Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains the Space-time Continuum - YouTube (1:41-3:26)

Based off Neil deGrasse Tyson's remarks, one can infer how (in the context of spacetime)... you cannot have space, without time... There are 3 spatial dimensions (length, width and height/depth), and time is a temporal dimension (4 dimensions, total)...

Regarding 'the aforementioned,' space and time have a relationship, that is metaphorical for height and weight... One cannot have a height, if one does not have a weight... ...If anything, height and weight... are metrics, for gauging 'physiological appearance'... When these 2 variables, are thought about... independently (isolated), one can see the clarity... of this analysis... 

1:15 PM (5/27/23):

Guardiola: “You encounter racism everywhere, but the more you travel, the more you see that we are all the same...” (

..something about, encounters in different countries (where different cultures and languages, prevail)... perhaps...

12:18 PM (5/27/23):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) | TikTok

Recap video, from 9/15/22... Vlogging (video blogging) can be seen as 'simulative, time traveling'... if one has 'cohesive documentation,' of one's travels... through spacetime...


In the 'above video,' it seems as though 'alien music'... is playing...

3:38 PM (5/21/23): Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz298) | TikTok

5:43 AM (5/21/23):
Drake - Girls Want Girls (Audio) ft. Lil Baby - YouTube

I heard this song, playing in the hallways of my dominion... around 5:30 AM, today...

About 5 minutes prior, this song was playing:

SZA - I Hate U (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

5:56 AM (5/21/23):

Africa is not A country but a Continent - YouTube

Africa is a very large continent, and home to 54 countries...

see: I never realized Africa was this big.. 😭 #shorts #geography - YouTube


largest continent - Google Search

2:47 PM (5/20/23):
Matthew 25 | Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents | The Bible - YouTube

", and ye shall find..." - Matthew 7:7 (this biblical verse, is supported by Isaac Newton's 3rd law... ...which attests, that for every action... there is an equal 'and opposite' reaction... must be in pursuit of 'spiritual truth'... ...over a duration, of time... in order to obtain 'genuine feedback (often, such is 'via signs,' which are typically of a divine nature)'...

3:01 PM (5/20/23):

Michael Jordan Leaves The Audience SPEECHLESS ― One Of The Most Inspiring Speeches Ever - YouTube

Worldly success, permits one to look back... and marvel at the journey one has made... from 'start to finish'... If such is refined by the spirit ('Holy Spirit'), one tends to not... have as many regrets... when, such is not...

The Holy Spirit, is a human's link... to God (specifically, 'God the Son'... ...a function, performed by Jesus Christ... the aftermath of His Crucifixion, Resurrection & departure... to heaven...)

3:48 PM (5/20/23):

The Poverty Programming Trap - YouTube (3:41-4:11, & 7:03-7:53)

1:37 PM (5/20/23):

How we stay fit and toned with no Gyms #africa #culture #adayinthelife - YouTube

Interestingly, I do not presently have a gym membership... and managed to lose '25' pounds, during the time interval of 4/12/22 to 5/20/23... Evidently, there are a myriad of ways... that one can pursue, 'healthy, weight loss'... the context of dietary intake, and caloric expenditure/exercise...

2:35 PM (5/20/23):
Kobe Bryant shares UNREAL stories about Michael Jordan - YouTube 
Losing 25 pounds in 1 year (+ 38 days), arguably... is on the level, of professional athletes...

Usain Bolt's 9.69 100-m performance... at the 2008 Olympics, in Beijing, China (former world record) - YouTube


albert einstein quotes / albert einstein / life changing quotes / quotes about life #shorts #quotes - YouTube

(the frequency of this video, is of some kind of 'Egyptian'... in the context of the music, which makes me envision an Albert Einstein... walking back and forth, after someone has been 'schooled'... via some lecture)


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter ''... to interact with the posted 'URL addresses,' cellularly]






10:38 PM (10/9/22):
"There have been conflicting reports, that there are '36' and '29' extraterrestrial civilizations... within our Milky Way galaxy. Either way, the 'ballpark estimate' of '30'... seems definitive... and one wonders, about the basis for this... and the implications..." - Michael Izuchukwu

36 (video from 6/23/20):

Alien civilization: Report suggests there may be 36 intelligent aliens in universe - YouTube

29 (report from 6/23/21):

ALIENS ARE PLOTTING OUR DOOMSDAY - “We Don’t Know What They Are” | The UnXplained | #Shorts | Watch (


29 Intelligent Alien Civilizations May Have Already Spotted Us, Say Scientists (


2. MSN



10:52 PM (10/9/22):

Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Search for intelligent life will likely ‘prove fertile’ - YouTube

11:02 PM (10/9/22):
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results... according to Albert Einstein. In the context of this, and the fact that 'the absence of evidence, is not the evidence... of absence'... ignorance is not bliss. If one disregards a 'recurring observation,' that could prove to be detrimental..." - Michael Izuchukwu

'36' extraterrestrial civilizations were initially detected, and then a secondary estimation... was '29,' as opposed to something like '10'... So, there must be 'intel'... to corroborate this...


12:26 AM (10/10/22):
"Today is Columbus Day... and thus, this blog is fitting... in the context, of the aforementioned..." - Michael Izuchukwu IF YOU LEAVE THE GALAXY... (


Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael53413241) / Twitter


4:06 PM (10/10/22):

"Breaded chicken tenders, and spinach... from 3:49 PM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:46 PM (10/9/22):

"An egg roll, as of 6:29 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(Interesting photo of my laptop screen, regarding a person predicting the arrival of extraterrestrials... 60 days, from today)
5:35 PM (10/9/22):
"Interestingly, 'this person (Eno Alaric)' is from the year 2671... which is 20 years prior, to when I had formerly projected... I would be a 6-dimensional being)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:19 PM (10/9/22):

$33,000,000 NYC Penthouse in the Upper East | Apartment Tour - YouTube

At 5:11 PM on 10/5/22, I started thinking to myself… there are those who sacrifice an amount of time, to make an amount of money… …while others ‘work with time’… so that the valuation of their money, has a ‘different effect’… in the context, of there being a relationship… between time and money…

...some people 'work for a house,' but neglect themselves... and as time progresses, they may see themselves become a subset... 'of such'... Regarding the above video, there are those in New York City... who consider their apartments, to be 'houses'... given that a house is denoted by 'walls and beams'... A number of people could work their whole lives, and not be able to live in 'certain dominions'... so, one begins to wonder... which places, are worth investing in... in the context, of the irreversibility... of time..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:21 PM (10/9/22):

"Chicken, corn and rice... from 4:11 PM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:00 PM (10/9/22):

Narcos Music Playlist | This will make you feel like you're eating Empanadas with Pablo Escobar - YouTube (23:30- 24:20)

"...relaxing, vacation music..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:48 PM (10/9/22):

Lil Dicky - Make Belief - YouTube

"My favorite rap song, that I began listening to... in 2018..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:46 PM (10/9/22):
Drake "No Friends In The Industry" (Music Video) - YouTube

"A 'modern' rap song, that I am into..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:31 PM (10/9/22):
50 Cent - In Da Club (Official Music Video) - YouTube

"This was the first song, by '50 Cent'... that got me tuning in, to some of his songs... as a teenager... ...there were a lot of music videos, on MTV..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:33 PM (10/9/22): "Personally, I believe that listening to 'incendiary music' and partaking in sports... in high school, positively refined... my outlook, on academics (regarding the amplification, of my willpower)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



3:28 PM (10/9/22)
50 Cent - Wanksta (Official Music Video) - YouTube

"Another favorite rap song, of mine... although I don't really listen to this genre, unless I find a song... inspirational..." - Michael Izuchukwu


3:13 PM (10/9/22):
T.I. vs T.I.P. Act I, II and III - YouTube

"One of my favorite songs, when watching 'sprinting videos' in high school... when I partook in the 200-meter dash and 200-meter relay events (of track and field)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

To my recollection, my fastest 200-meter time (in high school) was in the '23-second' range...

Act III: T.I. vs. T.I.P. The Confrontation - YouTube (favorite ACT is #3)

Baylor NCAA Outdoor 4x400 Champions 2004 - YouTube (when this video is muted at 1:18, I would begin playing the song 'ACT 3, by T.I.'... to motivate myself, for the 200-meter... even though I never really ran the 400-meter, in high school... I was a triple jumper)


1:17 PM (10/9/22):

"There are many markers of success in life, but I will say that spiritual wealth takes precedence to material wealth... The former is of one's virtuosity and character, while the latter deals with worldly pursuits..." - Michael Izuchukwu

["Maybe there's a difference between net worth, and 'net worth frequency'... The latter, could ultimately be more significant... regarding matters, of the spirit...

...Net worth frequency' could be thought of as 'monetary value'... in terms of 'intrinsic, self-sufficiency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu] - from: THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (

1:11 PM (10/9/22):

"A cool, but difficult... dunk..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:07 PM (10/9/22):

"I haven't been on a plane, for about 2 years..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:48 AM (10/9/22):

"Enchanting song, that I haven't listened to in a while..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:37 AM (10/9/22):

"Peaceful song, amidst falling snow..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:29 AM (10/9/22): 

Gwyneth Paltrow Cooks Her Breakfast Frittata | Vogue - YouTube

"Physiological efficiency is correlated with both dietary intake, and caloric expenditure... A healthy physicality can promote a healthy mentality, even though... the latter, governs the former..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Tony Stark + Pepper Potts | Tony Stark proposed to Pepper Potts - YouTube


11:23 AM (10/9/22): "Peppered salami and carrots, as of 11:14 AM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:23 AM (10/9/22):

"Peppered carrots and a sausage patty, at 10:16 AM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:09 AM (10/9/22):

"Peppered carrots, as of 8:05 AM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:10 AM (10/9/22):

"Some people don't realize the folly of their ways, until it's too late... to pray..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:43 PM (10/9/22):

"Some cold and soggy, peppered eggs... which were accompanied by 'watered-down' milk... as of 6:28 AM, today... ...I threw away the milk, and nibbled... on the eggs... ...when it comes to 'food preparation,' the staff at my dominion... have a habit of being 'dumbfucks'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


I noticed that there were only 'green bananas' being shelved at ShopRite, yesterday evening... so I didn't take any; I happened to have a spare 'yellow banana,' which I ate... this morning...

7:22 PM (10/9/22): "...such could have been heated. That's why stoves, exist..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:07 PM (10/8/22): "More peppered carrots (7) as of 9:04 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:39 PM (10/8/22): "Peppered carrots (11), as of 6:43 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
